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This video contains a broad overview of Saltley Academy and acts as a good introduction to parents considering Saltley as their secondary school of choice. 

Washwood Heath MAT students feature on the Voice 21 website, the leading organisation for developing learning through talk.

Below are the BBC news articles filmed for COP 26, where Saltley Students hosted a day focused on exploring clean air for children in a large city such as Birmingham. Students interview Dr. Satish Rao, the Deputy Director of medicine at Birmingham Children's hospital who is an expert in child asthma and its links to pollution. Students explored sustainable transport alternatives, analysed data from an air quality monitor and designed a "Tiny Forest" as part of a future outdoor learning space. 






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@saltleyacademy - 13 Sep
Saltley Academy open evening will take place on Tuesday 17th September from 4pm-6pm. Please come along and visit our amazing school, talk to staff and students and view our facilities. We also have open mornings between 9am - 10am on Monday 16th, Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th.
@saltleyacademy - 19 Jun
We absolutely LOVE when the animal man comes into school 🙌 once again bringing out the inner child in us 🐍🦎
@saltleyacademy - 20 Mar
Students in Year 10 & 11 at Saltley had the fantastic opportunity to participate in WW1 Battlefield workshops delivered by The workshops were led by David Alton and Richard Townesley - experienced historical interpreters in WW1 battlefield medicine reenactment.
@saltleyacademy - 8 Feb
Family fun day in the community
@saltleyacademy - 17 Oct
Please speak to your child’s HOH or the DSL’s if you need support with your child’s online safety.
@saltleyacademy - 5 Oct
Saltley Academy staff meeting Birmingham City Football CEO Garry Cook
@saltleyacademy - 5 Oct
Year 9 are learning about Rainforests!
@saltleyacademy - 21 Sep
Come and relax and leave your worries behind you here at Saltley Academy
@saltleyacademy - 21 Sep
Support for all here at Saltley Academy
@saltleyacademy - 21 Sep
Respecting the rule of law and peoples faiths at Saltley Academy
@saltleyacademy - 21 Sep
Creativity is the key to life!
@saltleyacademy - 21 Sep
‘Who dunnit’ in the English department
@saltleyacademy - 21 Sep
The excitement is building in PE!
@saltleyacademy - 21 Sep
Working hard at Saltley Academy
@saltleyacademy - 21 Sep
Graphics coming to life at Saltley Academy
@saltleyacademy - 21 Sep
The wonderful world of languages, here at Saltley Academy
@saltleyacademy - 21 Sep
Drones in action in ICT!
@saltleyacademy - 21 Sep
Our headteacher sharing his vision to our parents
@saltleyacademy - 21 Sep
The key to success in life
@saltleyacademy - 21 Sep
Science in action at Saltley Academy!